Self-Care Routines for Entrepreneurs: Beyond the Business

an overhead view of a cup of green tea laid on top of an open book. there is a cast iron teapot beside it. both are laid n top of a bed.

It’s hard to argue with the fact that entrepreneurship is an incredibly taxing endeavor, one that can take a heavy toll on the best of us. That said, neglecting your health isn’t worthwhile and can be detrimental to your well-being in the long run.

The key is to balance your work and personal life in a way that helps you achieve your dreams without causing burnout. This doesn’t need to be complicated in the least. It comes down to mastering the basics, such as sleeping well, staying physically active, making room for meditation and mindfulness, eating nutritious meals, spending time with your loved ones, and taking the time to recuperate and rejuvenate after a long week at work.

Don’t know where to start or how to craft a self-care routine while juggling a plethora of tasks and meetings? No worries, we’ve compiled a helpful list of tips that are easy to follow and incorporate into your schedule. Keep reading for more details.

Good nutrition is no joke

It can be easy to forget about things like meal planning and healthy eating when you’re an entrepreneur. Maybe you never find the time to eat between meetings or forget to pack a nutritious meal and find yourself relying heavily on takeout orders.

This doesn’t have to be the norm ⸺ you can take proactive steps to take charge of your health by doing things like signing up for a meal delivery service like HelloFresh or meal prepping in advance so you don’t have to fret over your meals during the week. Also, it’s a good idea to not neglect your meals no matter how busy you are. Good nutrition will keep you healthy and fuelled on long work days while helping you recharge. Plan ahead and you’ll master healthy eating in no time!

Sleep is your new best friend

Business owners often have to deal with wildly unpredictable schedules as they attempt to balance multiple tasks and goals, beat impossible deadlines, and attend numerous client meetings. Sleep can be hard to prioritize in this situation especially when you’re racing to finish tasks and participate in virtual meetings that often take place across different time zones.

However, it’s important to not take sleep for granted. Not getting enough rest can negatively impact your performance and make it challenging to focus at work. Prioritize getting an adequate amount of sleep every night as part of your self-care routine.

Struggling with insomnia? Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day along with restricting screen time an hour before it’s time to hit the sack. Avoiding caffeine after 4 p.m., meditating before bed, and reading a book can also help you relax. Also, don’t hesitate to speak to a medical professional if you find yourself struggling to get enough sleep over an extended period.

Take regular breaks

We get it. There’s a lot to do and it can be incredibly hard to step away from your workstation on a busy day. That said, avoiding breaks and working for long hours can lead to fatigue and burnout. What’s the solution, you ask? It’s pretty simple ⸺ make micro-breaks a part of your everyday routine.

What can you do to unwind on your break? You could go for a short walk, call a loved one for a quick catch-up session, meditate, or solve a crossword puzzle…the possibilities are endless! The important thing is to use these breaks to unwind before heading back to work again. Psst…you’ll likely be surprised by how focused and energetic you feel after your breaks.

Stay active

This is probably not news to you but we’re here with a gentle reminder nevertheless; it’s a good idea to exercise regularly and being active can go a long way in keeping you healthy. Exercise doesn’t have to feel forced. It can be something as simple as walking every evening or joining a Zumba class.

Perhaps you prefer playing a sport with your buddies or swimming after a stressful day. Or maybe, you like lifting heavy weights to stay fit. That’s perfectly okay. You do you! The goal is to take the time to stay active and be healthy. Exercise offers various benefits, including acting as a natural stressbuster and allowing you to feel like your best self. Feels like a win-win situation, doesn’t it?

Lean into mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness aren’t overrated and can help you destress and stay calm in high-pressure situations. Sounds like a superpower, right? Trust us, mindfulness is worth the hype. If you’ve never tried meditation before and are intimidated by the idea, keep things simple when you start.

How? Try a popular guided meditation app, such as Calm or Headspace, to get comfortable with the process. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on mindfulness, by the way. Even five to 10 minutes of daily meditation can work wonders. Start small, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different guided meditation tracks until you find something that works for you.

Take time off work

We hear you…it can be rather difficult to take vacations when you have a long to-do list to get through on a regular basis. However, let’s be honest: a good self-care routine is incomplete without long breaks that help you relax.

Taking some time off work can help you in more ways than one. A break will give you the chance to relax and regroup, allowing you to come back refreshed and ready to take on new challenges. It’ll also help lower your stress levels and re-energize you for whatever’s coming next. Bottom line? Plan your vacation well in advance if you have to and ask your team to take care of things while you’re away.

Outsource when required

Repeat after us ⸺ outsourcing is a good thing. You don’t have to handle everything alone. When appropriate, it’s a smart idea to delegate responsibilities so you have more time and energy to pay attention to high-priority projects.

On that note, if you’re looking for an efficient team that can tackle several tasks like copywriting, virtual assistant services, copywriting, marketing support, and more, we can help! reach out to us today and we promise to get back to you as soon as possible.

Remember: Being an entrepreneur doesn’t have to feel like an isolating experience. Crafting a self-care routine and prioritizing your physical and mental well-being can help you excel and achieve many more milestones in your entrepreneurial journey.

a small business owner meditating in Boston, MA

Stay active

This is probably not news to you but we’re here with a gentle reminder nevertheless; it’s a good idea to exercise regularly and being active can go a long way in keeping you healthy. Exercise doesn’t have to feel forced. It can be something as simple as walking every evening or joining a Zumba class.

Perhaps you prefer playing a sport with your buddies or swimming after a stressful day. Or maybe, you like lifting heavy weights to stay fit. That’s perfectly okay. You do you! The goal is to take the time to stay active and be healthy. Exercise offers various benefits, including acting as a natural stressbuster and allowing you to feel like your best self. Feels like a win-win situation, doesn’t it?

Lean into mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness aren’t overrated and can help you destress and stay calm in high-pressure situations. Sounds like a superpower, right? Trust us, mindfulness is worth the hype. If you’ve never tried meditation before and are intimidated by the idea, keep things simple when you start.

How? Try a popular guided meditation app, such as Calm or Headspace, to get comfortable with the process. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on mindfulness, by the way. Even five to 10 minutes of daily meditation can work wonders. Start small, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different guided meditation tracks until you find something that works for you.

Take time off work

We hear you…it can be rather difficult to take vacations when you have a long to-do list to get through on a regular basis. However, let’s be honest: a good self-care routine is incomplete without long breaks that help you relax.

Taking some time off work can help you in more ways than one. A break will give you the chance to relax and regroup, allowing you to come back refreshed and ready to take on new challenges. It’ll also help lower your stress levels and re-energize you for whatever’s coming next. Bottom line? Plan your vacation well in advance if you have to and ask your team to take care of things while you’re away.

Outsource when required

Repeat after us ⸺ outsourcing is a good thing. You don’t have to handle everything alone. When appropriate, it’s a smart idea to delegate responsibilities so you have more time and energy to pay attention to high-priority projects.

On that note, if you’re looking for an efficient team that can tackle several tasks like copywriting, virtual assistant services, copywriting, marketing support, and more, we can help! reach out to us today and we promise to get back to you as soon as possible.



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