How to Handle Difficult Clients and Situations as an Entrepreneur

It’s normal to encounter complex situations as an ambitious business owner. Maybe you’re working on a promising new project with a client who doesn’t see eye-to-eye with your vision, or you’re trying to pacify an irate customer who was hoping for a different outcome and isn’t satisfied with the deliverables.

No matter the situation, know that it’s possible to avoid escalating things further and find an effective solution that works for everyone.

Not sure what’s the best way to handle difficult clients and situations? Don't worry, we're here to help you out.

Take a look at some of our top tips below.

Practice coping techniques

Sometimes, all you need to do is to take a step back and breathe. One of the best ways to handle difficult clients and situations is to stay calm and ensure that you’re not overwhelmed by everything.

Deep breathing, mindfulness, and meditation can help you cope as you try to find answers and look for the best solutions.

Believe it or not, even something as simple as going for a walk or a short run can help clear your mind and make it easier to tackle things.

As obvious as it may seem, it’s important to practice self-care while problem-solving at work. If you're calm and composed, you’re likely to be more equipped to handle the situation without feeling overly stressed.

Communicate as much as possible

If you find yourself in a tough situation or need to touch base with a difficult client, ensure that all communication channels are open for the client. Leave nothing to chance and clarify any doubts that you may have.

Prepare a list of questions and issues you can address while speaking to the client. Open communication will help ensure everyone is on the same page and there are no misunderstandings.

It’ll also help make things clearer and allow you to plan your next steps. Allow the client to voice their concerns and do your best to address them calmly and respectfully. Know that this is just a hiccup and you’re going to grow personally and professionally because of what you’re going through. You’ve got this.

Ask your team for help

There’s nothing wrong with getting a little help while tackling difficult clients and situations. As a business owner, you’re probably dealing with a lot on your plate and things may get easier if you turn to someone else for assistance.

Your team members will be able to offer solutions and may even find new ways to tackle a problematic situation. Brainstorming with others can be a powerful tool that can help you handle irksome situations.

Delegating work may also be helpful in this case especially if one of your team members is familiar with a client and knows how to work with them in a way that’s rewarding for both parties.

Come up with effective solutions

If you’re trying to tackle a difficult situation or pacify a client who’s upset about something, one of the worst things you can do is procrastinate or dwell on the problem for too long.

Try this instead ⸺ make a list of solutions that may work in this scenario. You can run them by your client and see whether there’s something in particular that appeals to them.

You are likely to feel more in control if you can act and implement solutions as opposed to worrying about the situation and obsessing over it.

Perhaps your client would feel better if you offered them a discount on your services or extra assistance. Or maybe, all you need to do is try a few revisions to ensure that the final output meets your client’s expectations.

Don’t lose perspective

When you’re bogged down by difficult clients and situations, it’s easy to feel that too many things are going wrong at the same time.

Remind yourself that this isn’t the case. You’ve got what it takes to overcome anything life throws your way. Remember the big picture and focus on your long-term goals.

These circumstances are temporary and they will pass. All you need to do is stay relaxed, work towards finding the right solutions, maintain client relationships, and collaborate with your team.

While it can be tricky and even slightly messy to handle difficult clients and situations as an entrepreneur, remember that it’s doable. Make sure that your client feels heard. Stay empathetic, polite, and practical.

Offering solutions can help diffuse a tense situation and make it easier to figure out what to do next.



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