How to Work Effectively with a Copywriter

Working with a copywriter can be a definite asset that can help support your business’ needs. Whether you’re looking for help while crafting content for your clients or need assistance with in-house projects, copywriters can ensure that the message is conveyed effectively to your target audience.

While writers can be super helpful in tackling a plethora of projects, it’s important to keep a few things in mind while working with them. For instance, you want to ensure that you’re on the same page and have discussed the project at length to avoid any disappointment.

It’s also a good idea to talk about things like tone, writing style, and other expectations.

Still confused? Don’t fret! Take a look at our top tips that can help you nail your next project with a copywriter.

Communication is crucial

Don’t underestimate the power of communication ––– scheduling a few meetings before the start of a project can help you discuss multiple topics including but not limited to deadlines, project timelines, your expectations, the total number of expected revisions, overall budget for the project, and more.

Maybe you need a formal tone for a technical writing project and want to ensure this is a good fit for both parties. Or perhaps, you’re hoping to tackle a difficult topic in a sensitive manner for a specific target audience and want to make sure the writer has the proper background for the task.

Don’t be afraid to have as many discussions as you need to before finalizing the project. This can seem time-consuming at first but can go a long way in making things easier in the future.

Seek inspiration in the right places

One of the best ways to ensure a copywriter can meet your expectations is to provide them with solid examples of what you’re looking for. By sending them the right references you can help make things easier as they get ready to tackle the project.

You can also shoot them an email with a rough outline of a topic and a brief when possible. Remember that giving a copywriter a clear overview of your project can be beneficial in more ways than one.

They’ll know what to aim for and will ultimately be able to do a better job –– talk about your goals for the project, the target audience, and important requirements that must be taken into account while crafting copy.

You can also mention published examples that don’t work for you and make sure the copywriter knows what to avoid.

Logistics matter

Tackle the basics like making sure all questions are answered and there’s no confusion. For instance, if a copywriter is unsure about the feedback process or if they have questions about the project’s timeline, ensure that you’re available to answer questions and provide clarification.

You’ll also want to discuss how the revision process will work and check whether they’re comfortable with tweaking their work if needed. Last but not least –– talk about ownership rights to ensure there’s no confusion.

Feedback, feedback, feedback

This is underrated but important to incorporate into the writing process. Offer detailed and constructive feedback so that the copywriter knows exactly what to focus on.

Don’t be afraid to schedule a phone call and answer any questions they may have about the project. Detailed feedback can help them understand what you’re looking for and make the entire process easier for everyone.

It’s also a good idea to compliment the copywriter if there’s something you particularly like about their work. This may seem like a small gesture but can work like a charm and help build a positive and fulfilling relationship with them.

Working with copywriters isn’t as complex or intimidating as it may seem. All it takes is setting clear expectations and working with each other to meet your goals. Focus on communication and building a good rapport with the writers and you’ll be all set to achieve many milestones together.



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