How to Push through Work and Projects when you Procrastinate and Anxiety Takes Over

It’s important to acknowledge that every day will not be the same in terms of productivity and meeting your goals. You may struggle to tackle all the items on your to-do list as you battle anxious thoughts and force yourself to stay on track and focus on your goals.

Remember that procrastination is something that slows most of us down at times. Take a step back, evaluate your short-term goals, and take a deep breath. You’ve got this.

Not sure how to overcome this slump and make sure you’re doing your best? Read on for more tips.

Cut yourself some slack

One of the most important things to remember is that many of us encounter challenges as we try to tackle one project after another, powering through difficult days when anxiety takes over. It can be difficult to get a lot of work done, making you feel helpless and frustrated.

Take a break and avoid criticizing yourself –– remind yourself that you’ve got what it takes to achieve your goals.

Mindfulness is your friend in this case. Turn to meditation to cope with anxious thoughts and keep anxiety at bay when you feel overwhelmed by your workload. Even taking a few deep breaths from time to time can help you slow down and focus.

Incorporating mindfulness into your routine can be surprisingly effective. If you’re not sure where to start, try a free guided meditation app to get familiar with the process.

Divide your tasks into chunks

Instead of trying to multi-task or deal with several assignments in a row, try to stay disciplined, and organise your day into smaller chunks to help you address the most important tasks first.

This will make things much easier for you as you try to get through your workload. You will feel a sense of accomplishment every time you get one more item ticked off your to-do list and be more motivated to finish pending tasks.

Don’t shy away from breaks

Scheduling regular breaks can be helpful in more ways than one. Breaks can allow you to take a breather as you take a step back and evaluate what’ve you managed to get done so far.

They can also help you unwind for brief periods and let you recharge before you dive back into work.

There’s nothing wrong with scheduled breaks –– they’re likely to make you feel less anxious and become energised as you get ready to work on your next tasks.

You can use this time to take a short walk, reconnect with a loved one or make yourself a hot cup of herbal tea. On that note, it’s wise to watch your caffeine intake.

Too much coffee can make it trickier for you to fight anxious thoughts and feel relaxed. Remember: Moderation is your friend.

Ask for help

There’s nothing wrong with delegating tasks to your team members and asking them to pitch in when you feel like there’s way too much work on your plate.

Delegating tasks will give you a chance to focus on the most important items on your list. You’ll be able to ensure you’re not rushing through tasks or compromising on quality as you attempt to address unfinished projects.

Talk to your team members and create a schedule that works best for you and your team.

Choose a healthy approach

Remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can. Find ways to stay disciplined and focused as you try to get through your workload.

For instance, you may benefit from playing relaxing music in the background as you tackle your next project. Or you may want to take a mindfulness break every two hours and meditate to ensure you’re able to stay productive without feeling too overwhelmed.

You can also create a weekly schedule in advance if it helps you feel more in control. Here’s another useful tip –– reward yourself after you’re done completing a particularly challenging or tricky project. It could be something as simple as grabbing dinner with an old friend.

You may also benefit from a clutter-free workspace that is clear of major distractions and allows you to focus on work.

While dealing with a heavy workload and multiple projects can feel like a mammoth task at times, the important thing is to remember that you’ve got what it takes to achieve your goals. Don’t neglect yourself while tackling challenging projects.

Take breaks, eat a healthy and well-balanced nutritious diet, practice mindfulness, create an easy-to-follow schedule and remind yourself that you can get through this. It’s normal to procrastinate and get anxious when you’re handling several tasks.

All you need to do is tell yourself that you have all the tools you need to excel at work. Take things one day at a time and focus on the present. You may be surprised by the results you see!



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